Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break and the girls are home!!

Lots of fun - the girls are home. What did we do? Eat, watch movies, clean out Mom's closet, sleep, visit with family, wash the cars, shopped successfully for the youngest some shorts - etc. It is so good to have everyone home. So sad that SBT had to go back too soon - having to work at the hospital - 12 hour shifts.
The girls are searching for jobs - knowing where the Lord wants them and with what job. Seeking Him for His plan.
We actually got a 2 hour picture tour of Ecuador from SBT and beautiful gifts from there. It was so much fun to see the excitement in SBT's eyes as she went picture through picture retelling about the trip.
Numbers 20 - trust God enough.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Long Time No Post

Life got extremely busy - my elderly father was in the hospital for one week and so there was much time spent there. While he was there - very mixed up and fever. After one week he was able to go home - but then we saw he was so very weak he had to go to a nursing home temporarily for rehab. Our prayer for him - to get much stronger and be able to go back to Morningside Assisted Living- back to his friends and home. 
While my dad was in the hospital it seemed like one trial after another cropped up. Gratefully I have been studying the life of Moses and seeing how the Lord and Moses continually have to put up with the grumbling Israelites. I found myself starting to grumble and immediately I felt convicted.  I realized I have so much to be thankful for - so very much. But not only do I have much to be grateful for, I serve a Sovereign God - He is in complete control and I need to trust Him enough. I am naive if I ever think the Christian life is going to be easy. Dying to self, living a godly life - well in this world - it will not be easy but it will always be worth it. Christ calls us out of ourselves to live under His leadership - giving up our will for His will. I am grateful for the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I don't want to be a grumbler. I want to be uplifting and an encourager. Encouraging myself/others to see things with eyes of faith.
Thank you Lord for loving me all the time!!